Empowering Women Through Service & Advocacy



Officers 2021 - 20222

            Officers 2021 – 2022



Zonta International is a worldwide organization working to “Build a Better World for Women and Girls”.  Zonta’s mission is to empower women worldwide through service and advocacy and envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights.  Zonta International was founded by Marian de Forest right here in Buffalo, NY in 1919.  As a member of Zonta International, with over 27,000 members in 63 countries, we work with Zonta International and the UN on international service projects to improve women’s lives.  Zonta also awards scholarships to provide educational opportunities.

The Zonta Club of Hamburg-Orchard Park was founded in 1966 and  celebrates over 50 years of service to its local communities. Our Club  provides scholarships for local high school seniors as well as for women returning to school.  We advocate for women’s issues, especially in the area of domestic violence.  Our service projects have included serving meals at the Grace Guest House, creating birthday bags for a local food pantry, assembling Birthing Kits to be sent to mothers in developing nations, Warm the Children and Family Justice Center.

We meet on the second Thursday of the month at Ilio DiPaolo’s Restaurant in Blasdell, NY and we would love to have you join us!

Judy Powers